Most people have heard something about there being different skin types and the words oily and dry have been thrown around. But what are all the skin types?

What is my skin type? 
Why do I need to know my skin type? 

The answers are simple, so keep reading and I’ll tell you all about them and their importance.

The first thing I want to address is why it’s important to know your skin type. When you go in for a facial, your aesthetician will get you to fill out a skin consultation form that gives him/her an idea of your skins background and he/she will also preform a skin analysis. Aestheticians do this so that they can use products that are right for your skin type and concerns.

Different skin types require different products to bring balance. With each skin type I name I will have a brief description of what kind of products that type needs.

NOTE: Skin types are identified by pore size.


What It Looks Like:

  • Small in pore size
  • More susceptible to fine lines and wrinkles
  • Lacks oil/sebum
  • Usually skin is thinner

  • Products For Dry Skin:
  • Heavier creams and lotions
  • Rich, oil based products
  • Products with gentle exfoliating properties


What It Looks Like:

  • Pores are larger in size
  • Appears shiny
  • Has a layer of oil sitting on the skin throughout the day
  • Susceptible to breakouts and clogged pores
  • Usually skin is thicker

Products For Oily Skin:

  • Gel products and lighter creams
  • Products with a matte finish
  • Non pore clogging and light antibacterial properties
  • Hydrating products


What It Looks Like:

  • Pores larger in the T-Zone and smaller around border of face
  • Generally more oily in T-Zone and dry everywhere else
  • Most common skin type
  • Products For Combination Skin:
  • Gels and lighter creams in T-Zone
  • Regular to rich creams everywhere else
  • Hydrating products
  • Products with a matte finish in T-Zone


What It Looks Like:

  • Minimal pore size overall
  • Balanced production of sebum and moisture
  • Occasional blemish

Products For Normal Skin:

  • Can use light or heavy creams, depends on preference
  • Hydrating products

These are the 4 basic skin types: dry, oily, combination and normal. After identifying your skin type first, you can then be more specific and address the skin concerns you are currently dealing with. This will help you choose products that are most beneficial specifically to you and your skin. My hope is that you are able to identify your own skin type through this guide. To confirm your skin type, I recommend seeing an aesthetician.

If this post has been helpful to you, comment what you have learned or which skin type you think you are!

