Effective teen skin care

Your teenage years can be particularly difficult to navigate; between a budding social agenda, extracurricular activities, and striving for academic success, your stress levels may increase and your skin may go through some not-so-cute changes.

So why not help relieve some of that stress by addressing some of those pesky skin ailments! Below, we discuss some common skin concerns of the modern teenager, and how to help manage them.

Acne Blemishes
Acne blemishes are a common skin issue that many teenagers may experience at one point or another. They can be caused by a change in hormones which may result in the overproduction of oil and sebum. When too much oil and sebum is produced, the excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria can plug up your skin’s pores.1 Additionally, dead skin cells can attach themselves to clogged pores, which may also result in acne, so try to incorporate exfoliation into your how-to-develop-a-skin-care-routine.

Blackheads can occur when your skin’s pores become clogged with dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria. When clogged pores are exposed to air, they oxidize and become black.

Oily Skin
The appearance of shiny skin—without the help of cosmetics—may be a sign of excess oil. If you notice the appearance of shiny, oily skin, you may find that makeup tends to “slip” off of your skin over time. Typically, people with oily skin note that their skin sometimes only feels clean right after a thorough cleansing.

How to Address Teenage Skin

1. Cleanse Daily
Teenage skin should be cleansed daily to avoid a build-up of oil, skin cells, and sebum on the skin’s surface. This build-up can wreak havoc on your skin. Use a gentle cleanser formulated with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to help keep skin clear of new acne blemishes. Be sure to keep skin clean, moisturized and always apply SPF.

2. Exfoliate
Dead skin cells can accumulate on the surface of skin and may cause pores to become clogged, so removing them on a regular basis by exfoliating your skin’s surface should become a part of your skin care routine. Try to avoid scrubbing with products that have harsh, grainy textures or products that are formulated with sand or crystals, as these can irritate your skin. Use a product formulated with glycolic acid, which can help to remove dead skin cells and lower the chances of blocking your skin’s pores.

3. Tone
Using a toner in your daily skin care routine can help with removing excess oil from your skin’s surface, which will help to keep your skin appear clearer. After cleansing your skin, use a gentle toner to help remove any lingering excess oil.

4. Moisturize
No matter how oily your skin feels, it needs to be moisturized. Moisturizing should be a part of your regular skin routine in both mornings and evenings. Look for a lightweight, what-are-the-benefits-of-a-non-comedogenic-skin-moisturizer moisturizer to help hydrate your skin. Remember: it’s very important to use a product with SPF 15 or higher to help protect your skin from sun damage. Always protect your skin when you are outdoors.

5. Clay Masks
Try to use a clay mask once or twice a week to help remove excess oil and impurities from your skin’s surface. Some clay masks may also help reduce the appearance of visible pores. Your skin can feel soft, clean and revitalized. This is a great staple in your beauty arsenal for those days you want a deep-feeling clean.

While teenage skin may be difficult, with the right skin care regimen acne can be easily managed.

