Taking measures to prevent skin problems before they occur is always the best course of action you can take. Even so, sometimes things can get a little out of hand. In that case, it is best to be armed with a few additional tips. Don’t just know how to keep your skin looking healthy, know what to do when something goes wrong.

If you want to avoid getting wrinkles in your old age, try wearing sunglasses whenever you’re out in bright sunlight. It’s been shown that squinting so that you can see properly when in bright sunlight can be a cause of wrinkles around your eyes. A basic pair of sunglasses from the dollar store can keep you from squinting and protect you from wrinkles.

To keep your skin looking beautiful and help with aging you need to keep it hydrated. Keeping your skin hydrated from the outside is important, and this can be achieved by a simple misting. Drinking enough water will also help keep your skin hydrated internally. Hydrated skin will age slower and look more beautiful.

If you wear makeup, you can improve and protect your skin by cleansing your face in two stages. Use a makeup-removing cleanser first, then follow up with a cleanser containing ingredients that will refresh, calm and moisturize your skin. Just make sure that both cleansers are non-comedogenic, non-acnegenic and gentle, since washing twice gives you twice the opportunity to dry out or irritate your skin.

When using skin care products that excessively dry out your skin, such as salicylic acid, be sure to also use a moisturizer after each application. Drying out your skin can make your skin even more vulnerable to breakouts and blemishes. Using a moisturizer, along with your other skincare products, will give you the benefits of the products without the dry skin.

Hair removal often comes with an unwanted result: ingrown hairs. After you wax or shave, exfoliate the area with a loofa or an over-the-counter scrub each time you take a shower. Make sure to scrub the skin for at least thirty seconds. Moisturize with aloe vera gel afterward. This will prevent ingrown hairs from forming.

If you have rosacea, you should figure out what are the triggers that cause you to have red, flushed skin. Every person’s triggers for rosacea are somewhat different, although there are some that almost everyone with rosacea will recognize: red wine, hot water, and exposure to wind and cold.

There are several plant hormones that can help keep your skin looking healthy and help to give you a healthy, youthful look. Most of these are vegetable estrogen and applied over an extended period of time. These hormones have been shown to cause your skin to look much healthier and maintain its youthfulness.

Just because you stay out of the sun does not mean that you have to be pale. There are a variety of sunless tanning products that can help you keep a summer glow all year long. Whether they are in spray, wipe or lotion form, these products dye the outermost layer of the epidermis to give you a healthy, UV-free tan.

When it comes to baby’s skin care, keep things simple. Use natural products with as few ingredients as possible, or just wash with plain water. Your baby’s skin is delicate, and multiple ingredients or harsh chemicals can cause reactions. Products used for diapering and moisturizing should also be limited to keep your baby’s skin healthy.

Using too much makeup or sleeping with makeup on, can irritate your skin. Makeup products contain ingredients that can irritate your skin and should be used sparingly. Leaving makeup on overnight is not recommended. The makeup will seep through your pores, clog them and then congest your skin.

Summertime can lead to dry, weather worn skin. To help prevent this, eat foods rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. These nutrients have been scientifically proven to heal skin and prevent weather damage. Foods rich in these nutrients include raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. Shoot for at least one serving per day.

Expensive treatments, systems and equipment designed to cure very specific skin conditions, should be approached with extreme caution, if not outright skepticism. Many or most of these expensive kits prey on consumer fear and insecurity. They cost a fortune and may not solve problems that basic, sensible skin care can treat effectively. Unless specifically recommended by a medical professional, such pricey wonder-treatments should be avoided.

Don’t stay in the bath for too long. If you take baths that are really hot or you take showers that are long, you may end up removing oils from your skin. Your skin needs oil to stay healthy and soft. Make your baths shorter and turn down the temperature a little bit.

Those were just some of the many methods out there for keeping your skin looking great. When your skin is not looking ideal, try not to just shrug it off. You can always do something about it. Remember that for nearly every skin problem, there is almost always a solution.

