Self-Tanning Tips How to Apply Self-Tanner for a Perfect Fake Tan

Self-Tanning Tips How to Apply Self-Tanner for a Perfect Fake Tan

If you are about to use self-tanner for the first time, or you have already tried it but the effect was not even close to desired – this article is for you. Here, You will find information on choosing, properly using and some extra tips, all about self-tanners and creating a beautiful fake tan. Have a good read!

What You Need to Know About Self-Tanners

How to Choose the Best Self-Tanner?

You need two separate types of self-tanner: one for the face and one for the rest of the body.

The skin on our thighs and calves is more difficult to tan that’s why it needs a stronger coloring substance. Ladies with fair complexion should be extremely careful with this sort of cosmetic. Choose a lighter shade and you will avoid dark overcoloring. Fortunately, the majority of the cosmetic brands have got a good variety of shades.

The cosmetics available on our market could be in cream, gel, spray or mousse. Mousses and sprays are usually faster absorbed that’s why I would recommend them to more experienced people. You must choose a cosmetic appropriate for your type of complexion.

For oily skin sprays and mousses would be suitable as they aren’t sticky, and for the dry skin one cream would the best choice as it has more moisturizing components.

Applying self-tanner for the first time, or if you aren’t skilful at it you should rather use a cosmetic of a contrastive color (green, blue etc.). In this way, you’ll avoid having untanned spots.

1. Blend, Blend, Blend
So you're not left with any weird, orange streaks, blend until your tanner is perfectly buffed into your skin, and then blend a little more. Especially if you use your fingers, be sure to wash your hands immediately after you finish applying tanner so you won't be left with orange palms. If you don't like using your hands though, try a face mitt or a foundation buffing brush to make sure everything is properly blended and streak-free.

2. Use An Ice Cube
Celebrity skin-finishing expert, James Read, shared this (literally) cool tip with Run an ice cube over your skin before starting your sunless tan. Even though it may sound a little crazy, the colder temperature will help temporarily tighten your pores so self-tanner doesn't settle into them and cause uneven spots.

3. Don't Forget The Ears
When you self-tan your face, you actually have to go a little beyond, say, where you might normally apply makeup for the tan to appear natural. Make sure to buff it into your hairline (after applying some moisturizer there first), down your neck, and even onto and around your ears so that everything looks seamless.

4. Choose The Right Formula
First things first: It's important to choose the right formula of self-tanner for your face. Especially if you have sensitive skin or are prone to breakouts, it's good to go for a tanner made specifically for the face. Also be sure to check the ingredients list so you know if there are any that will cause irritation. As far as color goes, shoot for something slightly lighter than you think you need. Your face doesn't have to perfectly match your body, and it may even appear more unnatural if it does. If you're worried about over-doing it, try a gradual tanner so you can work your way up a bronze you love.

5. Moisturize Delicate Areas
Just as you would apply moisturizer to dryer areas like elbows and knees before self-tanning your body, you should do the same with key areas around your face. Moisturize around your nose, eyebrows, and hairline so none of these places turn orange and so your hair doesn't accidentally become dyed from the tanner (which could happen if you have blonde or light hair).

6. Practice After-Care
To make sure your tan fades evenly instead of looking splotchy, it's important to keep your skin hydrated by moisturizing every day. Also avoid using exfoliating treatments like topical acne medications and retinol. When you're ready to remove or touch up your tan, use a gentle exfoliator to help scrub away what's left of your tan.

7. Finish Eating First
You can mess up the tan around your mouth if you eat, drink, or brush your teeth right after applying it. So make sure you've taken care of everything you need to before applying your face tan so as to prevent accidentally rubbing any of it off.

8. Exfoliate
Just like you would your body, remember to exfoliate your face before applying a sunless tanner. A gentle exfoliator will help slough off dead skin cells and even the texture of your skin without irritating it so your tanner will go on more smoothly and evenly.

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